Allen Angle talks BIM and VDC


(This episode is a rebroadcast of an interview from February of 2022.)

Allen Angle is the VDC-FM Integration Manager at JLL. Allen is full of insights when it comes to the role of technology in construction. Most of JLL’s construction clients have some sort of system in place for operations, maintenance, and space management. Allen’s job is to help them discern the sexy from the practical. He helps them understand how to capitalize on the modeling that is available and tie together data from various places. 

In an effort to ensure better communication, Allen has advocated for some vocabulary shifts. One problem he sees is people just “handing over” projects and then leaving. He discusses the benefits of maintaining communication in an “exchange” format.  Another vocabulary switch he has tried to make is related to the words specifications or guidelines

JLL’s people encourage clients to focus on these three things:

  • Being BIM-driven rather than BIM-dependent. They try to focus on execution/implementation plans,

  • Speaking a common language to reduce confusion about specific assets throughout the design-construction process.

  • Focusing on an owner-driven process that centers on the usability of the end result.

Allen explains that JLL sometimes serves as a broker. Sometimes they play primarily a technological role. Sometimes they operate in more of a consultative capacity. At still other times, they function as owner. Ultimately, everything they do is focused on helping the relevant parties leverage information to more effectively execute the various aspects of the construction process.

Allen walks us through a helpful hypothetical scenario to discuss how BIM and VDC can function together to maximize efficiency. Then we discuss all of these software packages:

After talking through all of this, we come around to acknowledge that what BIM means to some construction people is different from what it means to other people. What’s important is that we seek to use these tools in productive ways.

Allen’s Megaphone Message: Don’t get completely caught up in the sexiness of BIM and 360 3D. Your core business needs are what are most important. If you get excessively caught up in buzzword bandwagons, you won’t be serving your clients as well as you should be.  

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